Thursday, December 30, 2010

"How Deja Vu For You"

Hello world...

Well, last night was Day 2 of sick kids and middle of the night janitorial jobs - only now BOTH of my girls are sick with a stomach bug, that I learned was going around their daycare...AWESOME (and I say this dripping with sarcasm)!  Poor Emily re-enacted that famous scene from The Exorcist - you know the pea soup scene...  At about 3:30 a.m. it was poor Karolena's turn, and in my haste to get her up off of my freshly laundered sheets (she luckily only christened two pillows), I ended up covered in the ick as well.  SO, after bathing (at least I didn't have to get up early to shower for work!) and getting fresh jammies on the both of us, it was back to bed - or so I thought...

You know, for someone who had just gotten sick, you'd think Karolena would have been a little cranky, a little lethargic, but NO, she was in a pretty jovial, playful mood!  After playing with the baby doll that she got from her Aunt Sabrina for about a good 20-30 minutes she FINALLY conked out...  Needless to say, I am SO tired this morning - two nights in a row of this...*SIGH* 

I made Bryan take the day off work today since he's salary and I am not AND my paycheck is the only one we've got coming next week - let's hope he fairs well!  ;-)

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

It's 3 A.M. I must be...

...lonely?  No.  Tired?  Yes.  Why the Matchbox 20 reference?  WELL... 

At about 2:30 this morning I awoke to my three year old, who was sleeping on a cot next to our bed, fussing and moaning - I figured it was a nightmare, and rolled to check on her.  Well, I immediately realized what was about to happen, but was a little slow reacting - the first wave got me, her, AND part of my bedspread.  Needless to say, there was a lot more, one upset little one, a cranky husband (because I woke him up and made him help me), and a VERY frazzled me.  Now, any of you out there who have or have had little ones knows that there is never a good time for your child to erupt like Mt. Vesuvius, however, it especially stinks in the middle of the night when you are already dog tired and have to get up early to take your husband to work since you are down to ONE vehicle!!  Mind you, my first concern was for Emily - I hate that my baby girl was feeling bad - and I wished to God that it was me who had erupted, A) because I would rather me be sick than either of my babies, and B) because I could have made it to the bathroom. 

My concern soon took a backseat to the disdain I felt toward Bryan for acting put out that I woke him up and made him help me clean Emily up.  If it were up to him, he would have just changed her jammies and sent her back to bed - I gave him an ultimatum: give Emily a proper bath and put her in fresh jammies or clean up the mess...  Yeah, I won that battle and poor Ems got bathed.  Once he was finished with Em, he marched his happy self back to bed and didn't even ask me if I wanted/needed help!  Once Cinderella (that's me) finished scrubbing the rug, removing and bagging the bio hazardous linens, decontaminating Emily's beloved bear "Bert," re-making the cot, getting a Em's teeth brushed (because who really wants ick mouth?!), and getting her put back down with the largest pot I could find in the kitchen, here comes wave number two...  Thankfully that last tidal wave seemed to be all that was left in her poor, tired little body and we settled back into bed - for a nice 2 -2 1/2 hour nap...  I am beat, disappointed (in Bryan), perturbed (at Bryan), and sad (that my peanut got sick in the first place).  Silver lining in the whole ordeal, I suppose, would have to be the fact that I did get a little sleep and that Emily seems to be feeling better...  *SIGH* 

This incident is just another in a long laundry list of things gone wrong, things unpleasant, and things that just plain suck.  Here lately I feel really alone, and I really just want to hang my head and cry.  I am well aware of the fact that things can ALWAYS be worse, and that I am a lot more fortunate than most, and I do try to count my blessings as often as possible (which is at least once daily!) - I just wonder how much one person can/is supposed to take, because all of these little things pile up and can really wear on a person after a while...  "I've got miles of troubles spreading far and wide; bills on the table getting higher and higher - they just keep on comin', there ain't no end in sight; I'm just holdin' on tight..."  --Sugarland

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A New Day Dawning...

Greetings to all of you out there in cyberspace currently perusing my first, of hopefully daily, blog posts!  My reason for creating this blog is simple - I, like many other mothers/wives out there live a semi-chaotic life and need an outlet to vent, to celebrate, to rant, to joke, and to just BE.  My life may be a bit mundane and my exploits trivial to most,  but they mesh together to from my microcosm - and for that I am fortunate...  And now, a brief Cliff Notes version of all things...ME!

My name is Misty, and I am married mother of two beautiful, smart, sassy, independent, AMAZING little girls, Emily (3) and Karolena (1).  My husband Bryan is a beverage salesman, while I currently work in sales/data entry for a wholesale company.  We reside in a little apartment in a small Texas town, getting by as best we can.  Like most, we have our ups and downs - most recently it seems there have been a lot of downs - but I always try to find the positive in whatever life throws my way. 

I am really looking forward to 2011 and all of the hope and possibilities that the new year has to offer, and I am determined to make this a year of positive life changes.  If something isn't working, it will be changed; if someone is a cancer in my life, they will be cut out; I will spend less and save more; and I most definitely WILL lose those extra, unwanted pounds I have accumulated over the past decade! 

SO...  Anyhow, I will jump down from my soapbox for now - hopefully you will stick around and read about all the cheeky shenanigans that go on during my day-to-day.  I promise that not all my entries will be as boring as this, and I will try to keep it light!

Until next time...