Saturday, January 8, 2011

What has hapened to me?!

So, it occurred to me the other day, as I was folding laundry, that I have changed.  Gone are the days of being considered "cool."  Gone are the days of hanging out with friends or going on road trips at a moments notice.  But perhaps the most sad of all - gone are the days of matching bras and panties from Victoria's Secret... 

I have never really cared whether or not people thought I was cool, so I guess there is no love lost there.  While I do kind of miss the spontaneous road trips and impromptu parties, I more enjoy spending time with my girls and having unplanned trips to the park. I am however, in mourning for the fancy-schmancy undergarments of those bygone days...  Sadly, I have become content to wear the cotton Fruit of the Loom "granny panties" that before were only worn on laundry days or occasionally during "that time of the month."  I think that if I were to bust out with any sexy, sassy lingerie I'd probably feel as out of place as socialite in the slums...  Oh well, no matter - I am truly blessed and happy, despite my lack of coolness and new found penchant for...granny panties.  :-)

So, today is Friday - GIRL'S NIGHT!!!  Yeah!  I am really looking forward to game night tonight.  I don't remember having ever played Rummicube though, so it should be interesting...  You know, I just realized something - maybe this girl's game night is the first step to me geeting my "groove" back, my "mojo", my "cool."  Perhaps with these monthy nights of freedom I just may find that I am not content to just wear granny panties after all - bring on the Victoria's Secret!  LOL

Well, until tomorrow...

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Is it me...or is it YOU???

So, there is this person that I interact with on a daily basis that just radiates hostility toward me - even when they are ignoring me.  Let me be clear that I have never done anything to this person, nor have I said anything ugly to this person.  What I would like to know is - "WHAT THE HELL?!"  Now, I am not one of those people that has to have everyone like them, but I feel that I am a generally likable person, and I tend to get along with pretty much everyone, but this one... 

I have thought about confronting this person, but I do not wish to make the situation worse, nor do I wish to look like an a-hole (I am trying to PC and kid-friendly here!  LOL)...  All I know is that it really is agitating me, despite trying to ignore the issue and just do my thing.  If I am forced to deal with this person daily, I don't want feel all the negative energy coming from them, nor do I want to deal with curt and snarky conversations - I have enough drama in my own life!  What to do, what to do...  *SIGH*

On another, more pleasant note, today is my mother's birthday - she is (going to kill me if she reads this for making it public to the world) 51 years young!  So, Happy Birthday to her!!  :-)  The plan tonight is to celebrate with her tonight at their house with some pizza and cake.  Sounds like a teenager's birthday party, huh?!  LOL  It will be nice, and I know that she misses me - she hasn't gotten to see my ugly mug since last Friday night...  ;-P  Weird since we only live about 10 minutes apart...

Oh, and whilst I am skipping around all willie-nillie and random thoughts and all - I am really psyched about going to Girl's Game Night tomorrow night at Laura's!  I really do need this once a month game night group that she is starting - what a great idea!  And the chance to win some extra pocket change??  Ka-ching!  Everyone is a winner whether you ACTUALLY win a game or not!  :-)

Until tomorrow my adoring public...  ;-)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Uh, that's not food...

So, have you ever had one of those awkward moments with your children involving a potentially embarrassing item?  Well, I did last night...

Like many women, I happen to carry a couple of emergency feminine products in my purse/bag.  Well, Karolena got into said bag and found a tampon.  I took it away from her and scolded her for getting into my things.  Well, Karolena is nothing if not tenacious, and she got yet another tampon from my bag.  By this point I am a bit agitated...  I took the second one away from her and told her, yet again, to stay out of my things.  She proceeded to get angry with me for taking the tampons away from her - I told her that they were not for her, that they were for Mommy.  She then looked me straight in the eye and said, "I want a bite!"  I burst out laughing at the realization that my little peanut thought that the tampons were some sort of candy or food!  It took QUITE a bit of convincing, but I think she finally got it that A) the tampons were NOT candy, B) they would NOT taste good should she try taking a bite, and C) they were for Mommy only.  Thankfully, by the end of our tampon conversation dinner was ready...Sloppy Joe's.  Ha, ha...

On another note, I came to the realization last night that I really need to start planning the girls' birthday parties - their birthdays are only a few weeks away... *SIGH*

A little segment I like to call...FUN WITH A VACCUUM!!!

Hey all of you parents out there!  I've got a fun new activity for you if you have bored children, or if you just want some good, free entertainment.  I call this awesome activity Fun With A Vacuum!  What you say??  Yes, folks!  You CAN have fun with a vacuum - and let me tell you, I, of all people NEVER thought this was possible!!  Let me explain... 

Last night I got the vacuum cleaner out to vacuum up some spilled popcorn.  WELL, the hose got plugged up with the popcorn, so I had to take a butter knife and dig the popcorn out.  Well, after said popcorn had been extracted, I had to vacuum it up all over again.  Just as I was finishing up, Karolena came over and her shirt was pulled up a little over her belly, so I took the vacuum cleaner hose to it while the vacuum was still on.  It made that crazy tooting sound on her belly and sent her into a fit of giggles!!  Ha, ha - new game!  We put it on her elbow, her cheeks, her chin, her belly again - she put it on me...  Well, then Emily came streaking out into the living room, fresh from the bathtub, and stuck her nudie behind out wanting to play the game...  SO, Karolena stuck the hose on Emily's hiney, making them BOTH laugh uncontrollably.  I decided that a bare Emily made the game quite awkward though, so I made her get her jammies on before letting the game commence any further. 

After jammies were on, the new "game" resumed play, and lasted for about another 20 minutes or so before I was tired of listening to the vacuum.  I think that besides all the giggles and goofy sucking noises, the best parts were watching Emily suck her lip into the hose and seeing my girls play together nicely.  Yes parents, if you are looking for some good, cheap, entertaining fun look no further than your own closets (or wherever you keep your vacuum!)...

Until the next...  :-)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Monday, monday...

Well, unfortunately I don't really have anything witty, exciting, important, or even disgusting to report about today.  Sunday was actually really pretty uneventful and inexplicably boring.  I spent a good part of the morning in bed trying to sleep off what was left of that dreaded visitor - the stomach bug.  Then when I felt like I could safely venture out of bed without the lingering threat of nausea over taking me, I moved my sloth-like self into my recliner and finished, much to Bryan's chagrin, Season 1 of Drop Dead Diva that I got for Christmas.  I absolutely LOVE that show!!

After my Diva marathon, I was surprised to discover that I was ravenously hungry (but I guess that's what happens when you really don't eat or drink for a day and a half!)...  After devouring the left over spaghetti from the night before - which, by the way, upset BOTH of my children - I decided to get my butt in gear and do a little bit of house cleaning...  All that really got done was the putting away of some of the laundry that I did on Friday, and cleaning the girls' room about three times!!!  I have a lot of their toys sorted into various tubs (one for Barbies, one for Little People, one for the Potato Heads, etc.), but apparently I am going to have to come up with another system - perhaps a lock and key system...  **HHHHHMMMMM**

Well, ba-dit-ba-dit-ba-dit, that's all for now folks!!  Until the next...

Monday, January 3, 2011

To resolve or not resolve - that is the question...

Feeling better today, however, I did spend most of the morning in bed as well.  I have lost a lot of valuable and much needed house cleaning time due to this dumb stomach bug.  Hopefully we'll get to knock out some of the cleaning today...

On another note, I been racking my brain trying to figure out whether or not I wanted to even bother with that dumb, age-old tradition of making a New Year's resolution or two that I would most likely end up breaking at some point during the year.  My answer: yes.  So what am I resolving? 

The past few years have been a little crummy for me - now mind you I am aware that many have had it worse off than me, but it seems like I have just had a run of not-so-great luck and hard times (some of which, I am ashamed to say is my own fault).  My first resolution is to make 2011 the best year I can - no more pity parties and wallowing in self-doubt, self-loathing, and why me's.  If I don't like something, I will change it.  My second resolution is to start working out again and eating healthier - I want to be able to look in the mirror and recognize the person staring back at me, something that I haven't been able to do for a while.  Not only do I owe it to myself, but I owe it to my family to be my BEST self.  And my third and final (and most difficult to stick with) resolution is to get back on track financially, to make a budget and STICK WITH IT!!!  I am tired of check-to-check living and bill juggling.  I am done!  Fingers crossed that I can stick with at least two out of three...

SO...what are you resolving???  :-)

Happy 2011...

So, how have I celebrated the start of 2011 you ask???  IN BED!!!  Yep, that shifty and horrid little bug that attacked my poor, defenseless baby girls has now come after me...  I am doing my best to fight it off, but I ahve to say this nausea is not pleasant.  I feel like I am on a tiny boat in the middle of the ocean during a hurricane - NOT FUN!  The universe sure does have a sense of humor...

Oh well, the silver lining here I suppose is that I am sick on the weekend and I don't have to work - hopefully this mess will be gone before I return to work on Monday...  I really need to get off of here - maybe a fluffy pillow, a warm blanket, and some sleep will help do the trick...

HAPPY 2011 EVERYONE!!!  :-)

Should old acquaintance be forgot & never brought to mind...

If that "old acquaintance" is the stomach bug that invaded my house - YES!!!  Ha!  So, it's Friday, New Year's Eve, and it's just me and my kiddos.  We are hanging out at my parents house today  (they are out of town) so that I can get caught up on laundry - one of the downfalls our apartment has is NO washer/dryer hook-ups.  So far they seem to be bug free (well, from a regurgitating standpoint anyhow...), which is a blessing!  I absolutely HATE seeing my babies sick/hurt/upset. 

Anywhos...  We just got done watching "Despicable Me," and I have to say that it is crazy-funny!  It was really a movie that the whole family could enjoy - it's animated which screams that it's for kids, but there are a few funnies thrown in there that, for the most part, only adults would get.  It really makes me wish that I had a minion or two of my own!  LOL  Don't want to go grocery shopping?  Send a minion.  Don't want to do laundry?  Make a minion do it.  Don't want to clean house?  Make a minion do it!  And you know, those minions never seemed to complain!  :-)

Well, I must jump off here now, as I currently do not have a minion to do my laundry, and I have a load to fold, one to transfer to the dryer, and one to put in the washer!  Until next time...