Monday, January 3, 2011

To resolve or not resolve - that is the question...

Feeling better today, however, I did spend most of the morning in bed as well.  I have lost a lot of valuable and much needed house cleaning time due to this dumb stomach bug.  Hopefully we'll get to knock out some of the cleaning today...

On another note, I been racking my brain trying to figure out whether or not I wanted to even bother with that dumb, age-old tradition of making a New Year's resolution or two that I would most likely end up breaking at some point during the year.  My answer: yes.  So what am I resolving? 

The past few years have been a little crummy for me - now mind you I am aware that many have had it worse off than me, but it seems like I have just had a run of not-so-great luck and hard times (some of which, I am ashamed to say is my own fault).  My first resolution is to make 2011 the best year I can - no more pity parties and wallowing in self-doubt, self-loathing, and why me's.  If I don't like something, I will change it.  My second resolution is to start working out again and eating healthier - I want to be able to look in the mirror and recognize the person staring back at me, something that I haven't been able to do for a while.  Not only do I owe it to myself, but I owe it to my family to be my BEST self.  And my third and final (and most difficult to stick with) resolution is to get back on track financially, to make a budget and STICK WITH IT!!!  I am tired of check-to-check living and bill juggling.  I am done!  Fingers crossed that I can stick with at least two out of three...

SO...what are you resolving???  :-)

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